Last Day at the Expo Joya: We never stop!

Today the Gold Fair closes, and what an extraordinary experience it was! It was an incredible journey, full of encounters, inspiration and new opportunities.

We would like to thank all those who have come to visit us. Your ideas and enthusiasm are what makes this sector so special!

As we prepare to return to work, we are more motivated than ever to pursue new partnerships and innovate in our field.

Thank you for being with us at this unforgettable event. We never stop, and we can’t wait to share with you what lies ahead!

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Quotazione metalli preziosi

Tutti i prezzi contenuti nella tabella delle quotazioni sono da considerarsi validi dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 17.30 ora italiana dal lunedi' al venerdi'(feste nazionali e ferie escluse). Eurotecniche avvisa che qualsiasi quotazione presente nella tabella dovrà essere sempre confermata dai nostri uffici commerciali.